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"The more we practice mindfulness

the more we understand the emotional dynamics of the self and others.” 

By Amit Ray (Indian Scientist turned author)


Regulating and being able to successfully navigate one’s world of emotion is what will lead us to construct a happy life. Taking care of emotional hygiene just like we pay heed to physical hygiene will not only help in creating a happy you but a happy society as well.

Emotional experience is a condition of the human. Every one wishes for a healthy, happy and peaceful life. Happiness, Peace are all state of mind just like emotions are. Emotions are both constructive and destructive and they come and go. Some stay for long and some for short time. It is up to the individual to enhance the constructiveness of positive emotions and reduce the destructiveness of harmful emotions. This is made simpler by Emotional awareness.


"First and fore most we have to begin by identifying emotions that cause us harm, what triggers these emotions and can we avoid these triggers.  Second, to identify what will take us back from harmful emotions to positive. For example, if traffic noises make you angry, each time you are stuck in traffic, listen to soothing music or think about the great time you had at camp. Beginning from slow steps this can be expanded to many other such emotions and the momentariness of all these emotions is realized and lived .Values are related to our emotions, just as we practice physical hygiene to preserve our physical health, we need to observe emotional hygiene to preserve a healthy mind and attitude”- H.H Dalai Lama

If you would like to know more by religious leaders writers and  scientists please  read below

Emotional awareness, or the ability to understand feelings, will help you succeed when communicating with other      people. If you are emotionally aware, you will communicate better. You will notice the emotions of other people,        and how the way they are feeling influences the way they communicate. You will also better understand what            others are communicating to you and why. Sometimes, understanding how a person is communicating with you is    more important than what is actually being said.




 Emotional Self-Awareness is the ability to understand your own emotions and their effects on your performance.       You know what you are feeling and why—and how it helps or hurts what you are trying to do. You sense how             others see you and so align your self-image with a larger reality. You have an accurate sense of your strengths         and limitations, which gives you a realistic self-confidence. It also gives you clarity on your values and sense of         purpose, so you can be more decisive when you set a course of action. As a leader, you can be candid and             authentic, speaking with conviction about your vision.


 Researchers have found that more than IQ, our emotional awareness and ability to handle feelings is the factor         that ultimately determines our success and happiness in every aspect of our lives.


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