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We live in the age of globalization. To some it is a boon while there are few who do not welcome this rapid change. No matter which side of the debate we are on, one thing that has existed pre-globalisation and will now continue to exist even more is interdependence of humanity amongst itself and also in relation to other species. The time has come to acknowledge that our lives are deeply interconnected and to recognise that our behaviour has a global dimension. When we do so, we will see that our own interests are best served if we uphold the interests of others as well.

For any ethics to become successful and add greater meaning to the lives of others we must of course care about the world because we are dependent on each other. We are dependent on mother Earth and we all must share the responsibility to acknowledge this interdependence and to care for each other because in the end we are all part of one big ecosystem. Evolution time and again has proved that even if one species is wiped out, all others will witness the repercussions. Global warming, climate change, endless wars are all signs we are seeing now. We are all in this together,


“ if the goal is noble, whether or not it is realized within lifetimes is largely irrelevant. What we must do, is to strive and persevere and never give up”- His Holiness, the 13th Dalai Lama.

If you would like to know more about common humanity please read below

We all relate to one another in different ways. Some people are very independent in relationships,      others are dependent, and a number of people are co-dependent (which means they put aside their    own well-being to maintain a relationship with another).

 The healthiest way we can interact with those close to us is by being truly interdependent. This is         where two people, both strong individuals, are involved with each other, but without sacrificing           themselves or compromising their values. What they have is a balanced relationship, and                     unfortunately it is not all that common. But it is attainable with just a little awareness and                     understanding.

                     By Barton Goldsmith Ph.D. (Emotional fitness)

Our interdependence comes with advantages and pitfalls. Although we benefit from a global economy    and an ability to communicate and know what is happening worldwide instantaneously, we also face  problems that threaten us all. Climate change in particular is a challenge that calls us more than ever  to make a common effort to defend the common good.

 For those who feel helpless in the face of insurmountable suffering, we are still in the early years of    the 21st century. There is time for us to create a better, happier world, but we can’t sit back and          expect a miracle. We each have actions we must take, by living our lives meaningfully and in service   to our fellow human beings — helping others whenever we can and making every effort to do them     no harm.

                   By H.H. The Dalai Lama

We hold this truth as self-evident: our lives, work, and well-being are interdependent. Everything and everyone is — or can be — connected. This new reality challenges the traditional logic when it comes    to leadership development. The interdependent companies we’ve studied have expanded from an         exclusive focus on leader development, which is about character, competence, quantity of individuals    in defined roles, to leadership development, which is the expansion of a collective’s shared beliefs and practices for creating direction, alignment, and commitment (DAC). Leadership development, in other  words, targets the leadership culture of the organisation. DAC, we have found, is produced by     dependent, independent, or interdependent leadership cultures.

                  By Charles J.Palus (Manager of the Connected leadership project at the center for Creative                        leadership in Greensboro)

 Interdependence is depending on others; each person brings something to the work playground. The power of interdependence is in knowing everyone’s strengths and using them fully. It is in knowing  when to release your ideas or solutions when a stronger one is presented in the group. In the everyday workings of teams, the interdependent ones accomplish more in a shorter time.

We need to depend on others when they have the insight, talent, and capability to do an activity in the best way possible. A team dependent on another’s strengths creates a strong bond of                        interdependence.

                By Jon Mertz (Author)


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