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“I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary. The evil it does is permanent”- Mahatma Gandhi.


Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, John Lennon, Mother Teresa and so many of the other world visionaries and icons of common humanity have brought about revolutions by abiding with the highest ideal of non-violence. Non-violence is not only the most powerful tool at our disposal but its intention is for the greater good and benefit for others as well, even if they have harmed you. Non-violence has the ability to win wars and bring lasting peace for those directly engaged in resistance or indirectly.


In today’s time and world, we need the ideal of Non-violence more than anything else. There is no country and no community which has not faced lasting trauma and suffering due to the usage of violence. 21st century must be the century of dialogue and the prerogative of our times must be to exist  and flourish harmoniously as this will bring lasting peace for us and our future generations as well.

As part of the human family, we must be aware of non-violence of body, speech and thought. Non-violence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to harm a person but you refuse to hate the person as well. This holistic approach to non-violence is the key element to bring lasting Peace. However, non-violence does not mean accepting injustice. It means resistance so strong and resilient that justice is claimed without causing harm to anyone. The examples set by revolutionary civil rights leaders are lessons we can greatly learn from and avoid future suffering.

If you would like to know more about non-violence please read below

In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the first of the Yamas, or codes for living an ethical life is Ahimsa, or               Nonviolence. This practice applies to all aspects of being; thought, speech, and action. This is a                   foundational point of departure in cultivating peace in our world. When everything you think, say, or do is       rooted in nonviolence, the world becomes more peaceful as a result. 

Non-violence does not mean mere absence of violence saying that the demarcation between the two             depends on the motivation.   He said non-violence could be an act of compassion and developing a sense      of concern.

In contrast, the leaders of the Civil Rights Movement chose the tactic of nonviolence as a tool to dismantle     institutionalized racial segregation, discrimination, and inequality. Indeed, they followed Martin Luther King     Jr.'s guiding principles of nonviolence and passive resistance. Civil rights leaders had long understood that   segregationists would go to any length to maintain their power and control over blacks. Consequently, they   believed some changes might be made if enough people outside the South witnessed the violence blacks      had experienced for decades.


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