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Secular Ethics In Global Movement

 Secular Ethics began with the idea cultivated by H.H Dalai Lama. Though he seems unusual as a religious leader to propound something like this. But he is not just a religious leader but is also a highly educated and respected scholar, an esteemed thinker and interlocutor. He has travelled far and wide meeting with leaders, educators, scientists and people from all nationalities and backgrounds. The Nobel Peace laureate has produced this concept after much research, dialogue and keeping in mind the need of our century. The Nobel laureate has received many awards but without them too, he is always concerned about the well-being of humanity. He expounds and himself implements the Buddhist Ideal of seeing every sentient being one’s own brother, sister, mother and father.

The result of this endeavour has extended to the corners of the world. Slowly and steadily each one has started to realize that more important than our divisions is our shared common humanity. We cannot progress and live happily if others are not, as our existence is becoming more and more interdependent on so many levels. Europe along with U.S.A has taken a lead in implementing Secular Ethics in various ways in schools and colleges. Curriculums with scientific evidence are growing rich and diverse day by day. More and more schools and institutions are joining the moment in parts of India as well.

There has been an upsurge of findings, longitudinal studies and other related researches which pint towards the need of teaching children Secular-Ethics and also carefully charting out the benefits of such an upbringing and education for the child, the family, the community at large. Positive psychology, neurology and many other related fields are among the benefits  with the development of more evaluation and research evidence proving this. Imagine a world where all the children today receiving lessons in compassion and kind heartedness will become world leaders of tomorrow. Maybe then we will get closer towards realizing our shared dreams of a world of Peace, Happiness, brotherhood and no war.

We have to start acting now for a better tomorrow!

To gain a comprehensive insight into the scientific research and trends in the global movement on Secular ethics, do take out time and go through the Mind and Life conference 2018.

Full streamed episodes on youtube

To know more about Secular Ethics Global Movements please go thorough below lines

Mind and Life institution video on secular ethics


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